L'alliance (ASF)



Bernard Chalumeau Le 04-08-2017 par B. Chalumeau -    

EU - Michel Barnier invents the "Brexit tax"

On 29 March 2017 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland notified the Council of its decision to leave the Union in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon.

In doing so, its leaders could not imagine what trap they were engaging in their country (1).

The return shock was not long in coming! And what a shock!

The Council therefore appointed Michel Barnier as the negotiator for the application of the famous Article 50, the perversity and harmfulness of which will now appear in full light on the occasion of the United Kingdom's attempt to withdraw from the Union.

First, Michel Barnier said that in order to leave it, the United Kingdom would have to pay the Union the pharaonic sum of 100 billion euros, as reported by the Financial Times.

On what basis does Michel Barnier perform his calculation? On what exchange rate basis, since the United Kingdom has not adopted the euro? Nobody knows because no provision of the European treaties foresees it!

Showing his arrogance in the face of the British nation, he pushes the matter too far because the Financial Times even points out that:

"Michel Barnier believes that the exit bill could be reduced by a transition agreement, according to which the United Kingdom would continue to pay all of its share of the EU budget even after leaving it! "


Although he is defending himself, it is indeed for him to impose a heavy fine, a heavy tax, a "Brexit Tax", in the United Kingdom which had the audacity to pronounce to leave  the Union!

In doing so, he sent a dissuasive message to any Member State which might intend to follow the path of independence in which the United Kingdom had undertaken.

But that's not all !

On behalf of the Council of the Union, it issues a document dated May 3, 2017, consisting of an "Explanatory Memorandum", with very obscure requirements for some, except for the UK tax to leave the Union and an "Annex" about a second stage of negotiations (item 10), without specifying what would be negotiated at this occasion  ! As usual, we remain in the blur!

But many of the requirements in this Annex must be highlighted :

  • Point 14 recommends that the Union should interfere with the future legislative measures to be taken by the United Kingdom in Northern Ireland concerning the respective rights of Irish under British administration and those which are not. The same applies to the exercise of the sovereignty of the United Kingdom in the island of Cyprus. Will the demands of Michel Barnier relaunch the clashes between communities in Ireland and Cyprus?

  • Point 15 refers to “arrangements” (without specifying which “arrangements”) of the areas of sovereignty of the United Kingdom, “to be compatible with the law of the Union”!

  • Point 17 recommends that the withdrawal agreement should contain "provisions on its overall governance respecting the autonomy and legal order of the Union in order to ensure the effective implementation of the commitments made under the agreement ". Does this mean that once the United Kingdom has left the Union, it will still have to comply with certain provisions of Union law? How could sovereignty of the United Kingdom be exercised withe these requierments? Unless Michel Barnier disregards the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties …

  • Point 19 recommends that the Council should decide that "sufficient progress has been made to move to the next stage of the negotiations"! One can not be more contemptuous of the United Kingdom than the Council can make lantern, or even sing, before passing to this second stage …

  • Point 21 recommends that the United Kingdom maintain the principle of free movement of workers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 492/2011. That is to say, nothing has changed in this respect in relation to his membership of the Union. How can the sovereignty of the United Kingdom be exercised under these conditions?

And then finally comes the big chunk, the biggest piece, the big pill to be swallowed by the UK: the bill! The big bill! The very big bill mentioned in points 23 to 30 of chapter III - 2. The Brexit Tax!

  • There everything is in the bill! Nothing will be spared to the United Kingdom, even “its obligations arising from the whole period of its membership in the Union” (read: arrears of payment).

  • At point 29 Michel Barnier finally spits the piece! That's it ! Here we are: "Arrangements for payment should be made in order to mitigate the impact of the withdrawal on the budget of the Union".

Everything is said here!

If the United Kingdom does not pay any more, who will pay the sumptuous salaries of all these commissioners and civil servants who are despoiling us, oppressing us, subjugating us, enslaving us?

And if another Member State like France, for example, was going in the same direction? In these circumstances how could the Union continue to function?

The commissioners must absolutely do everything possible to avoid this!

  • Finally, we note that, under the terms of the agreement drawn up by Michel Barnier, sovereign status is not mentioned for the United Kingdom once it has left the Union! Strange and very disturbing!

- But, in fact, this famous "withdrawal agreement", what it legally speaking, since the Union and the United Kingdom each have the legal personality? What can be its binding force at the end?

Everything seems to happen as if the United Kingdom, once out of the Union had to comply with many provisions imposed by the Union as if it were still in it! …

Here are the constraints on the United Kingdom when engaging  in the negotiations provided for in Article 50!

Here are the constraints on France and on any other member state of the Union would be compelled to commit to this fatal path!

The mode of withdrawal from the United Kingdom by way of Article 50, as referred to in the Union document of 3 May 2017, must not be a case law since the Union has no competence to modify the International law or the internal law of any Member State wishing to leave it.

A Member State of an international organization may be penalized only in accordance with the provisions laid down in the statutes of that organization to which this Member State has subscribed at the time of its accession.

Everything else makes no sense!

The sovereignty of the United Kingdom outside the Union must be respected.

In 1940, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, setting the example to the entire world, was the very first state to block the hegemony of Adolf Hitler, despite the bombing, the pain, the tears, the blood which he had to endure until his liberation. He can' capitulate in front of the injunctions of Brussels Commission officials!

And if Article 50 was indeed a subterfuge suggesting to the Member States that they can freely leave the Union when they can not by this means?

Then, would it not be the trap that we have so often referred to?

Thus, in solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom, the Alliance for the Sovereignty of France suggests to it a proclamation of the following type, not derogating from international law, from which it can be inspired to put an end to this question:


We, the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

  • Having massively materialized our will to leave the Union by our referendum of 23 June 2016, with 52% of our votes cast,

  • Having definitively approved on 13 March 2017 the principle of a negotiation for us to leave the Union by the decision of our Upper House, the House of Lords of 13 March 2017,

  • Having notified the Union on 29 March 2017 of our wish to leave it in accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon,

  • Having been loyal to the Union, all the time we were in it, in the commitments it has made,

Considering :

  • That these recommendations can lead to dead ends leading to our retention in the Union, contrary to our will,

  • That we refuse to pay to the Union any amount whatsoever for any reason whatsoever,

  • That any nation which freely adheres to an international institution can freely separate from it as it has adhered to it,

  • That we refuse to subcontract to any entity whatsoever the conditions of our independence,

  • That, because of its vague and uncertain character, Article 50 can not constitute a legal basis capable of laying down the arrangements for withdrawal from the Union,

  • That the uncertainty of this article allows the Union, by its recommendations contained in its document of 3 May 2017 and / or any other future document, to define requirements which neither the Union Treaties nor the International law did not allow it to impose,

  • Whereas those requirements are therefore inadmissible,

  • That article 50 does not refer to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, to which it should refer in particular with regard to the modalities of the withdrawal of a member State of the Union,

  • That the Union's recommendations of 3 May 2017 fail to comply with Articles 17-2, 18, 27 and 44 of the Vienna Convention.

  • That international law opens the right to self-determination for all people, in particular by a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) in accordance with the
Decision of the International Court of Justice of 22 July 2010.

In accordance with our law and international law, anxious to settle this dispute peacefully and to recover our entire sovereignty and independence, solemnly proclaim:

  • Abandon any approach based on the application of Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon.

  • On the 13th of March 2017, the date of the decision of our Upper House, as the date of our departure from the Union, that is to say that of our Unilateral Declaration of Independence,

  • On 13 March of each year, the national commemorative date of our Independence.

  • We shall undertake to settle, on a case-by-case basis, by bilateral regulations with each Member State of the Union and, if necessary, with any State not a member of the Union, questions arising as a result of our independence .

  • The present proclamation, as the instrument releasing us from our membership of the Union, coming into force from the day of its signature.

Done at London on :

By the Prime Minister of His Gracious Majesty
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


(1) Trap we have largely denounced here, for example in our article of 21 March 2017 "Let us seal our rupture with the Europe of Brussels! "

(2) To be completed by the constitutional provisions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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Objet statutaire de l'Alliance pour la souveraineté de la France (J.O du 31/01/1998) : L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE est un cercle de réflexion politique, économique, culturelle et sociale.
Elle a notamment pour but de réunir et de coordonner l’action et la réflexion de ses membres, de contribuer au débat public par des études et des analyses, particulièrement par l’édition et/ou la réunion de textes de référence de ceux qui tiennent à l’indépendance nationale (législative, politique, institutionnelle, administrative, territoriale, militaire, diplomatique, énergétique, fiscale, patrimoniale, économique, monétaire, bancaire, industrielle, commerciale, agricole, écologique, numérique, culturelle, linguistique, sociale, et autres), au respect de la souveraineté de la France qui est « une, indivisible, inaliénable et imprescriptible » et du principe de la compétence de la compétence.
L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE propose des alternatives à toute démarche, à tout traité, à tout acte, projeté ou existant, qui contreviendrait à ces principes au sens des membres de l’association, ou à ceux de la Constitution de la Vème République approuvée par référendum, norme suprême du peuple français, étant entendu que tout texte adopté par le biais d’un référendum ne peut être modifié ou abrogé que par référendum.
L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE a vocation à conduire sa réflexion et son action tant au plan national qu’international.
Elle promeut l’unité de la Nation française, de son identité et de sa culture, et la pérennité des français en tant que peuple, par le respect de la protection universelle de tout humain.
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