L'alliance (ASF)



R.Atkinson Le 04-04-2019 par R. Atkinson -    


This is a great and very important article”. Bernard Chalumeau, (Alliance pour la Souveraineté de la France)

The recently signed Franco-German Aachen Treaty and the consolidation of its predecessors (Elysee 1963 and Nuremberg 1996) contradict the critical Moscow Treaty which constrained German military and political power at the end of the cold war.

It is also extraordinary that France and Germany while in the EU can sign a treaty setting up a joint parliamentary assembly and joint policies on defence and security but Britain is prevented from signing trade deals with other nations so long as we are in the EU!

Despite the warnings of many geopolitical experts and two great foreign policy figures from the cold war (George Kennan and Henry Kissinger) Britain, German Europe and the USA joined the war on Russia. By abandoning two major historic nuclear treaties, promoting the takeover by the European Union of the independent democratic states newly created in Eastern Europe (as the Communist Soviet Union collapsed) deploying armed forces up to the very border of Russia and instituting a trade embargo and sanctions on Russia, we followed the historic imperial aims of those Franco-German powers we had spent two centuries resisting. The USA is now seeing the quid pro quo for these threats as Russian troops move into Venezuela!


(The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany was signed in Moscow, Soviet Union, on 12 September 1990)

After the breakup of the Soviet Union the Moscow Treaty of 1990 between the UK, the USA, France, USSR/Russia and Germany sought to ensure that the newly re-united Germany “with its final borders” would be a “meaningful contribution to peace and stability in Europe”. Germany, it declared, had “no territorial claims whatsoever against other States and would not have such claims in future.”

This last assertion can be questioned as the Frankfurt based ECB and its Euro currency dominates the territories, polities and economics of the 18 states which share the (effectively German) currency. See: http://freenations.net/euro-more-powerful-than-war-debts-more-powerful-than-armies/.

The devastating effect of this currency and the power of the German dominated “Eurogroup” of finance ministers over the previously sovereign states of the EU makes a farce of the commitment in the Moscow Treaty of “no claims against other states”. The former Greek Finance Minister Janis Varufakis in his book showing the German control of Greece and the exploitation of that country to support the Euro is the clearest demonstration of the new “claims”!

In the Moscow Treaty France, the USSR (to become Russia), the UK and the USA guaranteed the final borders of Germany, the latter agreed to reduce its armed forces to 370,000 (345,000 for army and air force together) and both East and West Germany “emphasise their rejection of the production of, possession of or power of decision over atomic, biological and chemical weapons. But that is precisely what a series of Franco German treaties over the last 50 years have given Germany. These have culminated in the Aachen Treaty (“Aix la Chapelle”) signed this year by Macron and Merkel.

The Moscow Treaty further asserted that no foreign armed forces, nuclear weapons, or the carriers for nuclear weapons would be stationed or deployed in the area of Berlin and the former East Germany, making them a permanent Nuclear Free Zone. The German Army could deploy only conventional weapons systems.
But today there are thousands of NATO troops far beyond East Germany in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the USA is establishing a permanent military base in Poland. More military bases are in Romania and Bulgaria and along the Black Sea coast.


The 1996 Franco-German Treaty of Nuremberg adopted the concept of the common use of armed forces including nuclear weapons.The 1988 Additional Protocol to the Elysee Treaty of 1963 provided for the "appropriate combination of nuclear and conventional forces" of France and Germany and established a "Franco-German Defense and Security Council" in which full participation right the Chief of Staff of the French Armies and the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr.

These provisions are a complete contradiction of the 1990 Moscow Treaty where Germany is forbidden to have any “power of decision over atomic weapons”.

In 2019, the continuing accumulation of illegalities resulting from these treaties culminated with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which created a Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly bringing together members of the National Assembly and the Bundestag, presided over by the President of the French National Assembly and by the President of the German Bundestag. The German and French authorities demanding that the decisions of this joint assembly be "transformed into action". The assembly "will follow the decisions of the Franco-German Defense and Security Council" and "will make proposals on any matter relating to Franco-German relations with a view to tending towards a convergence of French and German rights" (Article 6 of the Constitutive Agreement of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly).

There is to be a co-ordinated approach to the legislative intentions of the European Union with an “early warning mechanism” of policies about which they wish to take a joint position. Chapter III of this parliamentary agreement of the Aachen treaty states that:

“If there are legal hindrances to cross border (Franco German) legislation the German Bundestag and the French national Assembly will pass laws to deviate from national law”

Incredible, no?

But nevertheless written in black and white in Chapter III of the founding agreement of the Franco-German Assembly of the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle.
French eurosceptics and patriots are naturally disturbed by these treaties. So should Russia be disturbed. And the British and Americans should see the danger of excessive German control over the Franco German political and military sphere as they promote a European Army as a separate entity to NATO.

Like most historically dangerous moves in geopolitics these changes have been gradual, apparently promoting friendship and co-operation and seemingly unimportant. But the accumulation of these Treaties between 1963 and 2019 have demonstrated French and German contempt for the sensibilities and democratic rights of the other EU states and constructed a threat to the balance of power in Europe.

By Rodney ATKINSON (From United Kingdom)

Source of this article : freenations.net

Books published by the author :
    • Europe's full circle, (or Amazon)
    • And into the fire. (or Amazon)

All these books are available on Amazon or directly at freenations.

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Propriétaire du site Internet "souverainete-france":
Bernard Chalumeau - Membre fondateur "Alliance pour la souveraineté de la France" (loi 1901)
BP 20 - 77411 Claye Souilly

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Objet statutaire de l'Alliance pour la souveraineté de la France (J.O du 31/01/1998) : L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE est un cercle de réflexion politique, économique, culturelle et sociale.
Elle a notamment pour but de réunir et de coordonner l’action et la réflexion de ses membres, de contribuer au débat public par des études et des analyses, particulièrement par l’édition et/ou la réunion de textes de référence de ceux qui tiennent à l’indépendance nationale (législative, politique, institutionnelle, administrative, territoriale, militaire, diplomatique, énergétique, fiscale, patrimoniale, économique, monétaire, bancaire, industrielle, commerciale, agricole, écologique, numérique, culturelle, linguistique, sociale, et autres), au respect de la souveraineté de la France qui est « une, indivisible, inaliénable et imprescriptible » et du principe de la compétence de la compétence.
L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE propose des alternatives à toute démarche, à tout traité, à tout acte, projeté ou existant, qui contreviendrait à ces principes au sens des membres de l’association, ou à ceux de la Constitution de la Vème République approuvée par référendum, norme suprême du peuple français, étant entendu que tout texte adopté par le biais d’un référendum ne peut être modifié ou abrogé que par référendum.
L’ALLIANCE POUR LA SOUVERAINETE DE LA FRANCE a vocation à conduire sa réflexion et son action tant au plan national qu’international.
Elle promeut l’unité de la Nation française, de son identité et de sa culture, et la pérennité des français en tant que peuple, par le respect de la protection universelle de tout humain.
Elle diffuse les résultats de ses réflexions à la population ainsi qu’aux décideurs, y compris politiques, par tous moyens de communication usuels, sans restriction, et notamment par le biais de son site Internet.
Elle agit par ses propres moyens et par ceux des associations adhérentes.

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